Sunday, July 18, 2010



I hate hypocrite people.
You know, people who say :
"I don't wanna do that, because it'll take too long "( in other words : "it is usless, and it's for you so I don't give a sh!t about it!")
and then, by chance, you hear that those same people, want the exact same thing for them.

I've been so disappointed lately.I didn't think I could be more.
But obviously = I was WRONG! Haha.

I don't really care anymore, I mean it doesn't hurt me anymore, it's just VERY annoying, to learn what people are really thinking about when they're saying something.

Anyway : Screw you!
because I know you're gonna read that.
And that's PERFECT!

And now I feel a lil' better!

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