Thursday, July 29, 2010


This morning, I arrived 35 minutes earlier that I had, at work. I could've sleep 30 more minutes...
Damn, it been such a loooooong and boring day. Plus, I think I'm sick...
So everything's awesome!

I'm watching JailHouse Rock, with Elvis Presley, and I just love it. He SOOOO looks like Him... that's amazing!
anyway, I need to have an idea for my mum's B-day present. I don't know what the heck I'm gonna give her..

Saturday, July 24, 2010


ahhh finally another day off.
I'm freakin' tired lately, and it's not gonna change until the end of the summer...
The little guy I'm looking after is adorable, but FULL of energy.... energy which I lack!

Sunday, July 18, 2010



I hate hypocrite people.
You know, people who say :
"I don't wanna do that, because it'll take too long "( in other words : "it is usless, and it's for you so I don't give a sh!t about it!")
and then, by chance, you hear that those same people, want the exact same thing for them.

I've been so disappointed lately.I didn't think I could be more.
But obviously = I was WRONG! Haha.

I don't really care anymore, I mean it doesn't hurt me anymore, it's just VERY annoying, to learn what people are really thinking about when they're saying something.

Anyway : Screw you!
because I know you're gonna read that.
And that's PERFECT!

And now I feel a lil' better!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Happy Bastille day to EVERY French in the world!

(Too bad the fireworks were canceled in my village....)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


And people still wonder why I DO love Donkey, and why I want one...
they're just so freaking cute, and intelligent.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Yesterday, was a really nice day, with some of my real friends