Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Always the same questions.
What am I gonna go? How? Where? When.
It's driving me crazy.

Seriously, why can't it be easier?

Thursday, March 31, 2011


"A neutron walks into a bar and says 'How much for a beer,' and the bartender says 'for you it's no charge.' "

man, this joke is awesome.

Friday, December 31, 2010


This is the last post of this year.... And what can I say but : this was the shittiest year EVER. haha.
I just hope next year is going to be better.

To end this shitty year, I accidentally sprained my wrist while taking off my shirt a few days ago, and it hurts SO bad since then....
Now I'm all alone to end this year.

I say the F word for all those hypocrites I met or I discovered this year.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I had the weirdest dream ever, last night....
When I told about it to a friend and to my brother, they told me I was a Effing Geek and that I should see a psychologyst haha.
I was a kind of mix between, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Metal Gear Solid.
Weird as shit, I scared myself when I woke up haha.

this is my favorite Star Trek Quote (ok i'm trolling)